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How Can an O.T. Help?
The Occupational Therapists can assist your child or student in a number of areas.

The Occupational Therapists at MOTA can assist you child or students with sensory integration difficulties such as:
  • Over or under sensitivity to touch, movement, sights, sounds or food textures
  • Difficulty attending to tasks
  • Unusually high or low activity levels
  • Impulsive actions, lack of self control
  • Difficulty unwinding or calming self
  • Difficulty making transitions
  • Physical clumsiness or poor coordination
  • Difficulty learning new tasks
  • Difficulty organising self for tasks

The Occupational Therapists at MOTA can assist your child or students with hand function and fine motor difficulties such as:
  • Grasp and manipulation skills
  • Pre-writing skills
  • Handwriting skills - speed, legibility, reversals, spacing
  • Scissors skills

The Occupational Therapists at MOTA can assist your child when they are experiencing difficulties with self care tasks such as:
  • Feeding skills such as using cutlery, over sensitivity to food textures, poor oral motor control
  • Dressing skills such as manipulating fasteners, tying shoe laces, awareness of back and front, left and right
  • Bathing skills
  • Hygiene
  • Grooming

The Occupational Therapists at MOTA can assist your child or student to develop their gross motor and sensory motor skills such as:
  • Balance
  • Motor coordination
  • Eye hand coordination
  • Bilateral coordination, such as coordinating the two sides of the body or crossing the midline
  • General gross motor skills such as climbing, hopping, jumping, running etc.

The Occupational Therapists at MOTA can assist your child or students when they are struggling with the development of the following areas:
  • Developing engagement skills
  • Developing social regulation - the ability to adapt and maintain an appropriate energy or arousal level to a social group and dealing with own response and arousal level due to issues that arise with social conflict and frustration.
  • Interaction skills and making friends
  • Building self esteem
  • Developing a self concept

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Sensory IntegrationFine Motor SkillsSelf CareGross Motor and Sensory Motor SkillsSocial Skills
Evaluation ServicesTreatment ServicesSchool based services
Professional Mentoring